burnt out.maximized

It’s gone. That drive to go to work. That single spark to jumpstart each day. Poof.

Tsk. Tsk. Just when I’ve emotionally invested so much to keep this job, to be at this job, it no longer inspires. I feel like a machine programmed to do the same routine; a deja vu overload: babysitting grown-up people, filling paperless reports, changing hands but clinging stagnantly.

My brain cells are swimming in murky, uneventful, unfulfilled-infested waters. I am in need of some cerebral adrenaline rush. That surge of wind that blows me away – thoughts that provoke me to be on my tops even if I’m already perched on a stable ground. Even if it will not pay me well monetarily. Even if it’s not a crowd pleaser. I need that brillance when idealism ate a big chunk of me. Find that soul to shout out ‘carpe diem!”

I am in search of an oasis.

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